Maisema paintings on display at Henriksberg Gallery June-July 2020 / book a visit at
Oil Paintings by Isabella Cabral
Rococo-inspired tableware designed by Reinhard Richter to the Finnish company Arabia
“Maisema” was a great commercial success from the beginning and the longest living of the copper print decorations produced by Arabia
The original English copperplate print “Landscape” was already in use during the nineteenth century in Finland
Lars Lerin and Manoel Marques first joint exhibition in Finland
Set up and opening of Lars Lerin and Manoel Marques joint exhibition at Henriksberg Gallery in Hanko / Finland, 2019
Lars Lerin watercolors & Manoel Marques photos on display at Henriksberg Gallery
Codex on the flight of birds
Exhibition of Lars Lerin paintings and Manoel Marques photos at Henriksberg Gallery
The exhibition features paintings by Lars Lerin and photos by Manoel Marques representing birds.
These paintings by Lars Lerin will be shown for the first time in Finland and are part of the artist's permanent exhibition at the Sandgrund Lars Lerin Museum in Karlstad, Sweden.
Many of these paintings were inspired by the birds on display at the collection of the Museum of Natural History in Stockholm.
Manoel's photos were taken in the same museum and show the birds that inspired Lars.
The theme of the exhibition is a reference to Leonardo da Vinci’s text "Codex on the flight of birds". On display at the Henriksberg Gallery as well 13 excerpts from Leonardo's manuscript are illustrated with paintings by Lars and Manoel’s photos.
The Codex exhibition is also a tribute to Leonardo da Vinci. In 2019 we are celebrating the 500th anniversary of Leonardo's death (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519).
When: from May 19 to June 23, 2019
Where: Henriksberg Gallery
Tvärminnevägen 24 / 10900, Hanko - Finland
Opening hours on weekends 12:00 - 17:00
Opening on weekdays under reservation
The Henriksberg Gallery is a non-commercial art space open to the public and the admission is free.
Lars Lerin exhibition at Henriksberg Gallery from May 19 to June 23, 2019
Lars Lerin
(April 02, 1954 - Munkfors / Sweden) is considered to be one of Scandinavia’s leading artists in watercolor technique.
He has had solo exhibitions and group exhibitions in art museums and galleries in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, France, the Faeroe Islands, Iceland, Germany, Norway and the United States.
Lars Lerin is also a prolific author and has since his debute Utpost (1983), written and released more than fifty books. His book Naturlära was honored with the August Prize 2014, and in 2016 Lars Lerin was honored the Royal medal Litteris et Artibus for his great achievements as an artist and author.
Lars is currently finalizing his new book And the bird flew freely to look for his cage.
He and the TV-series Yours truly, was honored with two Crystal-awards 2016, and the TV-show was seen by over 1.000.000 people.
The museum Sandgrund Lars Lerin, located in Karlstad/Sweden, displays a permanent exhibition of watercolor paintings, oil paintings, graphic art, collages and photographs of different themes from Lars Lerin’s 30 years as an artist.
Sandgrund was honored the Tourism Award 2016.
Lars Lerin
(2 april 1954 - Munkfors / Sverige) anses vara Nordens främsta akvarellkonstnär och en av de mest framstående i världen, han arbetar även i andra tekniker och är känd för sin enastående begåvning och produktivitet. På Sandgrund Lars Lerin finns hans permanenta utställning.
Lars är även en begåvad författare med en helt egen stil, en nära och stark gestaltande berättandeform, inte sällan med dokumentära inslag från då och nu.
I Lars Lerins skrivande möts livet och konsten i en helhet, precis som i hans målningar, och han har sedan sin debut 1983 med Utpost publicerat över 50 verk i bokform.
Hans verk Naturlära har hyllats i press och media och har även tilldelats Augustpriset 2014 i kategorin Årets svenska fackbok samt Värmlands vackraste bok 2014.
Lars egen TV-serie på SVT, Vänligen Lars Lerin, blev omåttligt populär med över 1.300.000 tittare och tilldelades Kristallen 2016 för Årets Livsstilsprogram. Lars tilldelades även Kristallen för Årets tv-profil och är mottagare av den kungliga medaljen Litteris et Artibus 2016.
Under 2016 har Lars Lerin haft gästutställningar i USA samt i Norge. Den andra omgången av Vänligen Lars Lerin sändes på SVT under januari och februari 2017. Han ställer ut i Norge under 2017 på Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum och senare på Grieghallen i Bergen samt på Galleri Nordnorge.
Lars är just nu aktuell med sin nya bok Och fågeln flög fritt för att uppsöka sin bur.
Under 2018 är Lars Lerin utställare på Liljewalchs i Stockholm och med ny TV-serie, Lars Lerins lärlingar. I maj kommer hans nya bok Råskinn.
May 27, 2017 - Opening of the exhibition "Celebrating Finns"
Portraits by Irmeli Jung